The air compressor
is top heavy. Make
sure the unit is in a stable position
and will not tip before pulling the
starter cord of the engine.
4. Make sure the unloader valve is
in the "Open" position to prevent
tank pressure buildup.
5. Run the air compressor for 30
minutes to seat the rings and
lubricate all the internal surfaces.
Make sure there is no pressure
build up in the tank by observing
the reading on the tank pressure
6. Place unloader valve in the
"Closed" position as shown.
7. Close the shut-off valve knob.
This will allow air to build pressure
in the air tanks.
15 - ENG
NOTE: When the air tank is
pressurized, the tank pres sure gauge
will indicate the pres sure available in
the air tank and the gas o line engine
will reduce its speed to idle and keep
running. The pres sur iza tion of the air
tank will be adjusted au to mat i cal ly
by the "reset" and "blow off" setting
of the unloader valve. When the
pressure in the air tank drops to the
"reset" value, the gasoline en gine will
increase its rpm to operate the com-
pres sor and pressurize the tanks.
When the pres sure in the air tank
increases to the "blow off" val ue, the
engine rpm will drop to idle.
NOTE: Consult the engine man u fac-
tur er's manual for the proper engine
break-in running time and oil change
interval for the engine used on your
air compressor as well as other
engine maintenance requirements.
8. Compressed air will be available
from the unit's outlet valve until
it is used up or bled off. The
compressor is now ready for use.
Before each start-up
Perform the following checks before
start ing the air compressor.
1. Make sure nothing is blocking the
belt guard, air openings, or air
fi lter inlet.
2. Make sure the unloader valve
moves freely and smoothly.
3. Check the oil level in the pump
and engine, add oil if necessary.
of muffl er and
near by areas my exceed 150°F
(65°C) avoid these areas.
4. Clean or blow off fi ns or any part
of the air compressor that collects
dust and dirt. The air compressor
will run cooler and provide longer
5. Open the unloader valve of the air
compressor before starting the