5 - ENG
• Exposuretochemicalsindustcre-
ated by power sanding, sawing,
grinding, drilling, and other con-
struction activities may be harmful.
• Sprayedmaterialssuchaspaint,
paint solvents, paint remover, insec-
ticides, weed killers, may contain
harmful vapors and poisons.
• Workinanareawithgoodcross
ventilation. Read and follow the
safety instructions provided on the
label or safety data sheets for the
materials you are spraying. Always
use certified safety equipment:
NIOSH/OSHA respiratory protec-
tion or properly fit ting face mask
designed for use with your specific
The air tank on your Air Compressor is designed and may be UM coded
(for units with air tanks greater than 6" (122 mm) diameter) according to ASME
Section VIII, Div. 1 rules. All pressure vessels should be inspected once every two
years. To find your state pressure vessels inspector, look under the Division of Labor
and Industries in the government section of a phone book .
The following conditions could lead to a weakening of the air tank, and result in a
violent air tank explosion:
• Failuretoproperlydraincondensed
water from air tank, causing rust
and thinning of the steel air tank.
• Drainairtankdailyoraftereach
use. If air tank develops a leak,
replace it immediately with a
new air tank or replace the entire
• Modificationsorattemptedrepairs
to the air tank.
• Neverdrillinto,weld,ormakeany
modifications to the air tank or its
attachments. Never attempt to
repair a damaged or leaking air
tank. Replace with a new air tank.
• Unauthorizedmodificationsto
the safety valve or any other
components which control air tank
• Theairtankisdesignedto
withstand specific operating
pressures. Never make adjustments
or parts substitutions to alter the
factory set operating pressures.
• Exceedingthepressureratingof
air tools, spray guns, air operated
accessories, tires, and other
inflatables can cause them to
explode or fly apart, and could
result in serious injury.
• Followtheequipment
manufacturers recommendation
and never exceed the maximum
allowable pressure rating of
attachments. Never use compressor
to inflate small low pressure objects
such as children’s toys, footballs,
basketballs, etc.