
Power Drive Cable
1. If the drive does not engage when
the powerddve lever is pulled
towards the handle, screw adjuster
counte f-cIoc_se (K) wMlst In
operators posKion_
2.. Screw adjuster fn opposite direstlon
If the powerddve does not
disengage with the powerdrive lever
free (K).
PowerDrive Cable
How to Mow
1. Start mowing from the outstde edge
of the lawn, mowing in strips in
alternate directions (L).
2,, Mow twice a week In the growing
season, your lawn will suffer if more
that one thln_ of Ita length is cut at
one t_me and th_s may also result In
poor bollestlon
Please Note:-
Do not overload your Lawn mower
When mewing in long thick grass a first
cut with the cutting height adjusted to Its
highest setting, see Cutting Height. will
help reduce motor ovedoad and will help
prevent damage to your lawn mowel_,
Howto Mow
Cutting Height
Ratse wheels for low cut and lower
wheels for high cut,
Adjust cutting height to suit your
requirements, Medium position ts
best for most lawns.
The height of cut ts changed by
pulllngthe adjustment lever away
from the location slots and moving to
the desired position (M),
Cutting Height