• Removegas-poweredequipmentfrom
thetruck or trailerand refuel it on the
ground. Ifthis is notpossible,then
refuelsuchequipmentwith a portable
container,ratherthan from a gasoline
• Keepthe nozzlein contactwith the rim
of the fuel tank or containeropeningat
all times untilfueling iscomplete. Do
not use a nozzlelock-opendevice.
• Iffuel isspilled onclothing,change
• Neveroverfillfuel tank. Replacegas
cap and tightensecurely.
• Neverrun machineinsidea closedarea.
• Never makeadjustmentsor repairswith
spark plugwire,and keepthewire away
from plugto preventaccidentalstarting.
• Keepnuts andbolts,especiallyblade
attachmentbolts,tight and keepequip-
mentin goodcondition.
• Nevertamperwith safetydevices.Check
their properoperationregularly.
• Keep machinefree of grass, leaves, or
• Stopand inspectthe equipmentif you
strikean object.Repair,if necessary,
• Neverattemptto makewheel height
adjustmentswhile theengine is running.
• Grasscatchercomponentsare subject
to wear, damage,anddeterioration,
allow objectsto be thrown.Frequently
checkcomponentsand replacewith
when necessary.
• Mowerbladesaresharpand cancut.
Wrapthe blade(s)orwear gloves,and
useextra cautionwhenservicingthem.
• Do not changethe enginegovernorset-
ting or overspeedthe engine.
• Maintainor replacesafetyand instruc-
tion labels,as necessary.
&WARNING: This lawnmoweris equippedwith an internalcombustionengineand
shouldnot be usedon or nearany unimprovedforest-covered,brush-coveredor
grass-coveredland unlessthe engine'sexhaustsystemis equippedwith a spark
arrestermeetingapplicablelocalor state laws(if any). If a sparkarresteris used, it
shouldbe maintainedin effectiveworkingorder by the operator.
In the stateof Californiathe aboveis requiredby law (Section4442of the California
PublicResourcesCode). Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws. Federallaws applyon
federal lands. A spark arresterfor the muffleris availablethroughyour nearestSears
Parts& RepairCenter(See the REPAIRPARTSsectionof this manual).
Dateof Purchase:
GasolineCapacity/ Type: 1.0 Quarts (Unleaded Regular)
Oil Capacity: 18.5 Ounces
Oil Type (API SG-SL): SAE 30 (above 32°F) or SAE 10W-30
Spark Plug (Gap: .030") NGK BPR6ES
Valve Clearance (+ 0.04 mm): Intake: 0.015 mm; Exhaust: 0.020 mm
Blade Bolt Torque: 35-40 ft. Ibs.
• The model and serial numbers will be found on a decal on the rear of the lawn mower
housing. Record both serial number and date of purchase in space provided above.