Will notstart
Hard to start
Engine will not turn over
Engine clicks but will not
Loss of power
Excessive vibration
1. Out offuel.
2, Enginenot'CHOKED" propedy.
3. Engineflooded.
4. Bad sparkplug.
5. Dirtyairfilter.
6. Dirtyfuelfilter.
7. Water infuel.
8. Looseor damagedwidng.
9. Carburetoroutofadjustment.
10. Enginevalvesout ofadjustment.
1. Dirtyairfilter.
2. Bad sparkplug.
3. Weak ordeadbattery.
4. Dirtyfuel filter.
5. Staleor dirtyfuel.
6. Looseor damagedwidng.
7. Carburetoroutof adjustment.
8. Engine valves out ofadjustment.
1. Clutch/brakepedalnotdepressed.
2. Attachmentclutchisengaged.
3. Weak or deadbattery.
4. Blownfuse.
5. Corrodedbatteryterminals.
6, Louseordamagedwidng.
7. Faultyignifionswitch,
8. Faultysolenoidorstarter.
9. Faultyoperatorpresenceswitch(as).
1. Weak or deadbattery.
2. Corrodedbatteryterminals.
3. Looseor damagedwidng.
4. Faultysolenoidorstarter.
1. Cutting too much grass/too fast.
2. Throttle in =CHOKE" posifion.
3. Build-up of grass, leaves and trash under mower.
4. Dirty air filter.
5. Low oil level/dirty oil.
6. Faulty spark plug.
7. Dirty fuel filter.
8. Stale or dirty fuel.
9. Water in fuel.
10. Spark plug wire loose.
t 1. Dirty engine air screen/fins.
12. Dirty/clogged muffler.
13. Loose or damaged wiring.
14. Carburetor out of adjustment.
15. Engine valves out of adjustment.
1. Wom, bent or loose blade.
2. Bent blade mandrel.
3. Loose/damaged part(s).
1. RII fuel tank.
2. See "TOSTART ENGINE"InOperationsection.
3. Waitseveralminutesbeforeattempting tostart.
4. Replacesparkplug.
5. CleaNrepleceairfilten
6. Replacefuelfilter.
7. Drainfueltankand carburetor,refilltank withfresh
8. Checkallwidng.
9. See "ToAdjustCarburetor"inServiceAdjustments
10. Contactan authorizedservicecantor/depar_nent.
1. Clean/raplece air filter.
2. Replace spark plug.
3. Recharge or replace battery.
4. Replace fuel filtcr.
5. Drain fuel tank and refillwith fresh gasc41ne.
6. Check allwidng.
7. See "To Adjust Carburetor" in Service Adjustments
8. Contact an authorized service canter/dspartmant.
1. Depressdutch/brake pedal.
2. Disengageattachmentclutch.
3. Rechargeor replacebattery.
4. Replacefuse.
5. Clean batteryterminals.
6. Checkallwidng.
7. Check/raplaceignitionswitch.
8. Check/rsplecesolenoidor starter.
9. Contact an authorized servicecenter/dspartmant.
1. Recharge or replace battery.
2. Clean battery terminals.
3. Check all widng.
4. Check/rsplace solenoid or starter.
1. Set in "Higher Cut" position/reduce speed.
2. Adjust throttle control.
3. Clean underside of mower housing.
4. Clean/raplace air filter.
5. Check oil levegchange oil.
6. Clean and regap or change spark plug.
7. Replace fuel filter.
8. Drain fuel tank and refillwith fresh gasoline.
9. Drain fuel tank and carburetor, refilltank with fresh
gasoline and replace fuel filter.
10. Connect and tighten spark plug wire.
11. Clean engine air screen/fins.
12. Clean/replace muffler.
13. Check allwiring.
14. See "To Adjust Carburetor" in Service Adjustments
15. Contact an authorized service center/department.
1. Replace blade. Tighten blade bolt.
2. Replace blade mandrel.
3. Tighten loose part(s). Replace damaged parts.