mowerhousingfree of built-upgrass and
trash. See =Cleaning" in Maintenance section
of this manual.
• The special mulching blade WIUrecut the
grass cr=ppingsmany times and reduce
them in size so that as they fag onto the
lawn they will disperse intothe grass and
not be noticed. Also,the mulched grass will
biodegrade quicklyto provide nutrientsfor
the lawn. Always mulch with your highest
engine (blade) speed as this wRIprovidethe
best recuffingaction of the blades.
• Avoid cuttingyour lawn when itis wet. Wet
grass tends toform dumps and interferes
with the mulching action:-The best time to
mow your lawn is the early aftemoon. At
this time the grass has driedand the newly
cut area willnotbe exposed to the direct
• For best results,adjustthe lawn mower
cuttingheight sott'_t the lawn mower cuts
offonlythe topone-third ofthe grasF blades.
If the lawn is overgrown it willbe,meesSary
to raisethe height of cutto reduce pushing
effortand to keep from overloadingthe
engine and leavingclumps ofmulched
grass. For extremely heavy mulching,
reduce your widthof cut by overlapping•
previouslycut path and mow slowly.
• Certaintypes of grass and grass conditions
may require thatan area be mulched a
second time to completely hidethe
clippings. When doinga second cut,mow
across or perpendicularto the firstcut path.
• Change yourcuttingpattem from week to
week. Mow north tosouth one weektherr-.
change to east to west the next week. This
will help prevent mating and graining ofthe
. °", i 1 .