However, normalwear willoccur. Periodically adjust
the bolts on the side ofthe wedge plate as follows to
eliminate excess space between the wedge plate and
the beam.
Loosen the lock nutson the twoadjustment
boltson the side ofthe gib plate, located
beneath the splittingwedge. See Figure 13.
Turn the adjustment boltsin untilsnug, then
back them offslowly untilthe wedge assembly
willslide on the beam.
• Tighten the lock nutssecurely against the gib
plate to hold the adjustment boltsin this position,
-_ Hex Bolt
Figure 13
Periodicallyremove and replace the "gibs" (spacers)
between the wedge plate and the back plate as
NOTE: Ifdesired, the gibs maybe rotated and/or
turned over for even wear.
Remove the center bolton top of thewedge
plate. Slide the gibplate out, See Figure 13.
Remove and replace the gibs. Reassemble the
gib plate, makingcertain flat washer is in place
above the gibplate.
Readjust the bolts on the side of tl_ewedge
plate as instructedpreviously.
Engine Maintenance
Changing engine oil
• Only use high quality detergent oil rated with
API service classificationSF, SG or SH. Select
the oil'sviscositygrade according tothe
expected operatingtemperature. Refer to
page 10 ofthis manual for viscositychart.
• Stop engine and wait several minutesbefore
checking oillevel. With engine on level ground,
the oilmust be toFULL mark on dipstick.
• Change engine oilafter the first five hours of
operation, and every 50 hoursthereafter.
Change oilevery 25 hours of operation ifthe
engine isoperated under heavy load, or in high
ambient temperatures.
To drain oil
Drain oilwhile engine is warm. Follow theinstructions
given below.
• Remove oildrain plug and dipstick. Catch oilina
suitable container.
• When engine isdrained ofall oil, replacedrain
Refillwith fresh oil. Refer to GAS AND OIL FILL-
UP sectionofthis manual.
• Replace dipstick.
Air Cleaner
The air cleaner prevents damaging dirt, dust, etc.,
from entering the carburetor and being forced into the
engine and is important to engine life and
performance. The air cleaner consists of a pre-
cleaner or foam filter, and a paper filter.
Never run the engine without air cleaner completely
1. Service pre-cleaner after every 25 hours of use,
or at least once a season.
2. Service filter every 100 hours of use, or at least
once a season.
3. Service pre-cieaner and filter more often under
dusty conditions.
Remove wing nut and cover.
• Slide pre-cleaner off filter. Clean the inside of
base and cover thoroughly.
• Clean pre-cleaner as follows: (See Figure 14.)
a. Wash in water and detergent solution, and
squeeze (do not twist) until all dirt is
b. Rinsethoroughly in clear water. Wrap in a
clean cloth and squeeze (do not twist) until
completely dry, or allow it to air dry.
c. Saturate with engine oil and squeeze (don't
twist) to distrfbute oil and remove excess oil.
Foam Filter _-_ Wing Nut--
Base -- Paper Filter _ Cover
Figure 14
NOTE: If thepre-cleaner is tom or damaged in any
way, rep/ace it.
• If necessary, replace paper filter (do not attempt
to clean). Install newfitteron base.
Slide pre-cleaner over filter.
• Install cover and wing nut.