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Read the following before beginning to install OSCO slide
gate operators:
1. Read the yellow “Safety Instructions” brochure enclosed
with the packet of information. If you do not have one,
please call OSCO at 1-800-333-1717 to request one. Read
and follow all instructions.
2. All electrical connections to the power supply must be
made by a licensed electrician and must observe all
national and local electrical codes.
3. A separate power-disconnect switch should be located
near the operator so that primary power can be turned off
when necessary.
4. Install the enclosed warning signs on both sides of the
gate. Each sign must be plainly visible from the side of
the gate on which they are mounted.
5. Never reach between, through or around the fence to
operate the gate.
6. You must install all required safety equipment.
Before unpacking, inspect the carton for exterior damage. If
you find damage, advise the delivery carrier of a potential claim.
Inspect your package carefully. For your convenience, you
can check your accessory box parts with the enclosed pack-
ing slip. Claims for shortages will be honored for only 30 days
from the date of shipment.
Before installing the operator, read this manual completely
to ensure all requirements for proper installation are present.
Verify that the voltage to be used matches the voltage of the
Before installing the gate operator, make sure the gate slides
free and level throughout the entire opening distance. If the
gate does not seem to operate properly, it may affect the op-
erator performance or greatly shorten the life of the unit. The
gate should be designed so that airflow through the fabric is
ample to prevent wind resistance and drag.
All gate operators can be divided into one of four different
classifications, depending on their design and usage.
Class I: Residential
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a
home of one to four single-family dwellings, or a garage or
parking area associated therewith.
Class II: Commercial or General Public Access
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a
commercial location or building such as a multi-family hous-
ing unit (five or more single-family units), hotel, garage, re-
tail store, or other building servicing the general public.
Class III: Industrial or Limited Access
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in an
industrial location or building such as a factory or loading
dock area or other locations not intended to service the gen-
eral public.
Class IV: Restricted Access
A vehicular gate operator (or system) intended for use in a
guarded industrial location or building such as an airport
security area or other restricted access locations not ser-
vicing the general public, in which unauthorized access is
prevented via supervision by security personnel.
The following contact or non-contact obstruction
detection devices have been approved for use
with OSCO slide gate operators as part of a UL325
compliant installation:
Contact Edges:
Miller Models*: MG0-20, MGR-20, MGS-20, and ME-120
2520-441 MMTC Model IR-55 photoeye, 165’ with
mounting hardware
2520-031 MMTC Model E3K photoeye, 28’ with
mounting hardware
*for OSCO part numbers, contact a sales representative for details