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7.2 Sharpening the knives
Always take great care when sharpening the knives since they
are very sharp and can cause personal injury.
7.2.1 Overview
NOTE: Use the services of a skilled person when re-sharpening the knives
and only sharpen the edges marked with the special sign! (see diagram
under 7.2.2 and 7.2.3)
The knives must be sharpened so that the correct grinding angles are obtained,
otherwise the granulator will not operate effectively with lightly cutting knives.
During sharpening, the knife must be cooled the whole time with plenty of
water and must definitely not burn or start blueing on the edge since this means
that the knife lacks durability and stability. If this occurs, the knife cannot be
repaired by further grinding down or grinding away of the blued or burnt
colour. The tempered knife may have deep deformations with possible cracking
as a consequence.
The following instructions apply only if you are using CONAIR MARTIN's
sharpening fixture 79. The sharpening fixture is intended for use in a surface
grinding machine and should be fixed on a magnetic board.
7.2.2 Sharpening the fixed and rotating knives
Fixed knives:
Regarding the third fixed knife, see chapter 11.
NOTE: Only the surfaces marked with the special sign should be sharpened.
The specified measurements apply when sharpening the knives.
• The fixed knives are fastened as shown
in the adjacent figure, left part, and the
cutting angle is sharpened at 20
• The knives can be sharpened only as much as is
shown in the adjacent figure. After that, they are
worn out and should be replaced by new ones in
order for the granulation to be effective.