© 2001 Firstech, Inc. Page 12
In Timer Start Mode, your car automatically starts every 1.5 or 3.0 hours
depending on preset options during the time of installation for a 24-hour period.
This mode is deleted automatically after 24 hours or once you start your car with
either your manual key or remote-pager. In order to enter Timer Start Mode,
press Buttons (II+IV) simultaneously for a ½ second.
Also, note that Timer Start Mode becomes Cold Start Mode once an optional
temperature sensor is installed.
Important! Timer Start Mode should be used only in open areas. Never start and
run the vehicle in an enclosed space such as a garage or carport.
Safety Shut Down Features
CompuStar 2WSSR system has several shut down safety features. The following
actions will shut down the engine or prevent the car from auto-starting:
Opening of the car engine hood, Pressing of the brake or Valet mode is turned
RPS (Remote Paging System)
The optional RPS is a feature that allows an individual to page the owner of a
vehicle by simply tapping on the front windshield of the car. RPS is automatically
turned on upon activating alarm mode (pressing Button I for a ½ second) on the
CompuStar 2WFMR.
The RPS module can be activated by tapping a manual key producing a high-
frequency vibration. This high-frequency vibration is detected and your remote-
pager will beep and a telephone icon will appear on the CompuGLO LCD
indicating that someone is paging you from your vehicle. Press Button I, II, III or
IV for a ½ second to deactivate the RPS visual and audible paging alerts.