4 DA-10242-02-009 — 11.15.2000
Compaq StorageWorks
Enterprise Backup Solution
Fibre Channel Storage Hub 12 (continued)
Cascading Hub Support
This feature certifies the addition of a second Storage Hub 12 to the Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop. By adding a
second Storage Hub 12, customers can increase the total available fibre ports on the loop. That would equate to
increased device and server support. With the cascading of hubs (no more than two Storage Hub 12 per FCAL EBS),
the Enterprise Backup Solution has an increased maximum configuration of up to 20 servers per solution that would
require two Storage Hub 12 for connectivity. The alternative maximum configuration would support up to 14 tape
drives in the Enterprise Backup Solution. Five Compaq libraries are certified in this configuration – the SSL2020TL
AIT Mini-Library, the 35/70GB DLT Library, the TL891, the TL895, and the ESL9326D. The Fibre Channel Hub 7 is
not cascadeable.
Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop Switch 8
FC-AL Switch 8 for Compaq EBS and RAID Array 4X00 storage systems
The SW FC-AL Switch 8 is an affordable, high performance switch engine interconnect component that will help you
take that important step towards building a workgroup/departmental SAN. Built on a stable, easy to use, and mature
FC-AL protocol, the SW FC-AL Switch offers 8 standard removable GBIC ports, or 11 ports, with an optional 3-port
expansion module, all with dedicated non-blocking 100 MB/Sec point-point parallel connections. Using the SW FC-AL
Switch 8 as the cornerstone of your SAN deployment, you can start by combining your primary storage components
such as the RA4000/RA4100 storage systems and the Enterprise Back-up Solution (EBS) on the same SAN! The SW
FC-AL Switch 8 can be easily managed using management tools such as SWCC, CIM-XE, and ACU which all access
the StorageWorks FC-AL Switch Utility via the SAN Interconnect Agent. This interconnect will also offer future fabric
FL-Port connectivity.
Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8-EL
Entry Level Storage Area Network (SAN) switch fabric for Compaq Enterprise Backup Solution, RAID Array
8000, ESA 12000, Modular Array (MA) 6000, MA8000 and MA12000 storage systems
The Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8-EL delivers the same robust functionality found in Compaq's 8 port SAN switch in a
new, cost reduced, entry level package. Featuring 7 fixed media short wave optical transceivers and one removable
GBIC based port in a sealed 1U high chassis, the Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8-EL is an excellent choice for
connecting edge devices to a larger SAN fabric or for constructing low cost full fabric SAN's. The GBIC port can be
configured as either a device connection in a stand alone SAN or as a switch to switch (E-port) connection for
seamlessly integrating with other Fibre Channel SAN switches. Multiple switch to switch (E-port) connections can be
enabled on the SAN Switch 8-EL with the addition of the Multiple E-port Connectivity Option.
Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8 and 16
High-performance Storage Area Network (SAN) switch fabric
A key component of Compaq’s Enterprise Network Storage Architecture (ENSA), the Compaq StorageWorks Fibre
Channel SAN Switch/8 and Fibre Channel SAN Switch/16 are high-performance, scalable switch fabrics designed for
creating SANs with Compaq StorageWorks Modular Array 6000, RAID Array 8000/Modular Array 8000,
ESA12000/EMA12000 storage systems and EBS for Data Centers. Major features of these new switch fabrics
• Eight (Fibre Channel SAN Switch/8) or 16 (Fibre Channel SAN Switch/16) 1 Gb/s non-blocking Fibre Channel
connections for high data throughput.
• Both models pre-configured with Fabric operating software, WEB Based Management Tools and Zoning software
• Dynamic path rerouting in the event of a link failure.
• Direct fabric attached server operating system support now includes Solaris 7.
• Support for interconnecting up to four switches together (two switch hops for maximum) for creating larger SANs.
• General 10-km link distance support for switch to switch connections with optional Long-Wave GBICs.
• Multiple methods for switch management.
• Hot pluggable power supplies and optional second power supply.
• Redundant, hot pluggable cooling fans on both switches.
• Backward compatibility between new Fibre Channel SAN switches and previous Fibre Channel switches.