Linux Installation and Configuration Guide for AlphaServer 23
Compaq AlphaServer DS20
Hardware Options
Tested Saleable Hardware Options
Tested saleable hardware options for the DS20 is outlined in Table 1. All of the systems used
come equipped with standard bus-interface devices for which drivers already exist for Linux. All
bus-interface devices detailed use the PCI bus. Detailed information on each particular bus-
interface device can be founds in a subsection of the appropriate software. Only the installation
and configuration details that are necessary to clarify the hardware explanation are provided in
this table. Unless otherwise specified, the Linux kernel version used in qualifying each
component is version 2.2.5.
Table 2. Tested Saleable Options List
Compaq PN Description Comments
H7899-AA DS20 Power Supply
3X-KN310-AD DS20 6/500 SMP UPG Linux only
MS340-BA DS20 128MB Memory Option
MS340-CA DS20 256MB Memory Option
MS340-DA DS20 512MB Memory Option
MS340-EA DS20 1GB Memory Option
DE500-BA PCI 1 CH 10/100 Ethernet Red Hat - Use DE4*5 or Tulip driver
DE504-BA PCI 4 CH 10/100 Ethernet Red Hat - Use DE4*5 or Tulip driver
9.1 GB UltraSCSI 7200RPM
9.1 GB UltraSCSI 10000 RPM
18.2 GB UltraSCSI 7200 RPM
18.2 GB UltraSCSI 10000 RPM
KZPCM-DA UltraSCSI, 2 CH, SE, 1 CH 10/100
Need the 2.2.12 kernel from ftp site to perform install.
KZPBA-CB UltraSCSI, 1CH, Diff.
PBXGK-BB Elsa Gloria 8MB use XF86_3DLabs
For up-to-date information about configuration options, you should refer to the following web
sites, which are updated regularly with the latest information:
For Alpha Systems QuickSpecs: http://www.digital.com/info/SOHOME/
For Alpha Systems Supported Options List: