4.0 CPI (20 Bars per inch) US POSTNET Bar Code
Method 2:
Frame Bar & “4”: {{} (1 01001)
Characters “58”: }}}~{ (01010 10010)
Characters “34”: ~`~{} (00110 01001)
Characters “88”: {}}~{ (10010 10010)
Characters “44”: }~{{} (01001 01001)
Characters “79”: {~`{~ (10001 11000)
“9” & Frame Bar: {{} (10100 1)
Text sent to Printer: SO{{}}}}~{~`~{}{}}~{}~{{}{~`{~{{}SI
For both examples, SO = Shift Out (hex 0E), and SI = Shift In (hex 0F).
4.0 CPI (20 Bars per inch) US POSTNET Bar Code
You may select either of the US POSTNET character sets from the front
panel, or through escape sequences. (Refer to your
User’s Manual
for details
on front panel menus.)
The following escape sequence will configure the 4.0 cpi POSTNET BAR
CODE as a secondary font:
The sequence above sets the secondary font symbol set to 4.0 cpi POSTNET
BAR CODE, and sets the pitch to 4.0 cpi. Once the Secondary character set
is configured for 4.0 CPI Postnet Bar Codes, the Shift Out command can be
used to activate the bar codes:
Shift Out: hex 0E
After the bar code is printed, the normal print mode is activated by using the
Shift In command:
Shift In: hex 0F
NOTE: It is recommended setting the US POSTNET Bar Code character set
as the secondary set, with the normal operation mode as the primary
Perform the following steps to determine the check digit for 45834-8844-70:
1. Calculate the check digit:
Add the digits of the postal code: 4+5+8+3+4+8+8+4+4+7+0 = 51
2. Subtract from the next highest multiple of ten:
60 - 51 = 9
The check digit is 9.
Text sent to Printer:
SO = Shift Out (hex 0E)
NUL = Nul (hex 00)
SI = Shift In (hex 0F)