Traffic : User Settings
Re-route options.
When Traffic overlay is turned On (using Main Menu S Settings S Traffic Settings S On/Off), the NAV ONE will indicate
traffic conditions and incidents on the Map by colored segments and icons along the route. Changes that occur during navigation
will prompt voice alerts.
Touching the screen at any of the incident icons will bring up information about the cause of the incident. Press the options
button for re-route possibilities.
Map in navigation.
Touch the screen
to select an
alternate route
The NAV ONE displays traffic
information only when connected to
the optional traffic receiver that can
be purchased as an accessory. See
the Accessories section at page 31.
The traffic receiver continuously monitors any
available FM data channel for up-to-the-minute
traffic information. Traffic incident information
is available only in selected major cities. Check
www.cobra.com for the latest city list.
For a demo of the Traffic feature
press: Main menu S Settings S
Traffic Settings S View Demo.
Shows a comparison of the
current trip route and a
recalculated one to avoid
the traffic event.
Recalculates the route from
the current location using the
previously set route criteria.
Shows a list of all traffic
events along the current
trip route.
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