Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra
Voice Transmission
Voice Transmission
Voice Transmission
Transmit mode gives you the ability to communicate with safety services, other
vessels, and shore stations. When you use this capability, be sure to follow the
procedures and to observe the courtesies that govern its use so everyone benefits.
(The tables on pages 66 through 73 will help you select the proper channels.)
Before pressing the Talk button to transmit a message, you should select the
appropriate channel and transmit power output.
You can transmit voice messages on most VHF Channels. Refer to the VHF marine
channel assignments on pages 14 through 23 to select a channel according to the
type of message you are going to send.
To Change The Channel You Can Choose
From One (1) Of The Following:
a. Press the Up/Down buttons. This will take you to the
next higher or lower VHF channel. (When on Channel
88A, the next higher channel is Channel 1 and vice
versa.) For rapid advance, press and hold the Up or
Down buttons. (The confirmation tone will sound
only for each button press, not during rapid advance.)
b. Press the Channel 16/9 button. This will take you to
Channel 16 with one (1) press and to Channel 9 with
a second press. Additional presses will toggle between
Channel 16 and Channel 9. Press and hold the Channel
16/9 button to return to Standby mode.
Operating Your Radio Operating Your Radio
Transmit Power Output
Your radio can Transmit selectively at one (1) or 25 watts of power. Cobra
suggests you maintain the low power setting for short-range communications
and to avoid overpowering nearby stations with your signal. Use the high power
setting for long-range communications or when you do not receive a response
to a signal sent at one (1) watt.
To Toggle Between The High And Low Power Modes:
1. Press the High/Low Power button.
The LCD will show which mode is in effect.
Some channels are restricted to use at a maximum of
one (1) watt. Your radio will automatically set the power
to Low Power mode when you select those channels.
While using the U.S.A. channel map, if, in an emergency,
you need to increase the output power on Channel 13 and
Channel 67 for your signal to be heard, you can override
the Low Power mode by pressing and holding the High/
Low Power button.
Transmit A Message
To Transmit A Message:
1. Check to see that your unit is set to a proper
channel for the type of message you plan to send.
2. Toggle to the low power setting.
3. With the microphone/speaker about two (2) inches
[five (5) cm] from your mouth, press and hold the
Talk button and speak into the microphone/speaker.
Transmit will be indicated on the LCD.
4. Release the Talk button when you are finished speaking.
Your unit can only operate in either the Transmit or the
Receive mode at any given time. You will not hear the
response to your message unless the Talk button is released.
If the Talk button is held down for five (5) minutes,
the radio will automatically cease transmitting to
prevent unwanted signal generation. As soon as
the Talk button is released, it can be pressed
again to resume transmission.
High/Low Power Button
Low Power Setting
2 Inches From Mouth
Talk Button
High/Low Power
Transmit Icon
Up/Down Buttons
Channel 16/9 Buttons
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