Delete Options: Individual Waypoints
Delete Options: Individual Tracks
Deleting Individual Tracks
To delete selected tracks one at a time:
1. From the Nav Data page, highlight using the ZOOM IN/OUT button and
select DELETE OPTIONS by pressing the ENTER button Ẅ. The Delete
Options menu appears ẅ.
2. Highlight and select TRACKS ẅ. The Delete menu appears Ẇ.
3. Highlightand select ONE-BY-ONEẆ.Alist of all saved tracks appears ẇ.
4. Highlight andselect the track you wish to delete ẇ. A Delete
Confirmation menu appears Ẉ.
5. Highlight and select YES Ẉ and the list of all tracks will appear with the
selected track deleted ẉ. Highlight and select NO Ẉ to return to the
tracks list ẇ. Highlight and select DONE Ẉ to return to the main Nav
Data Page Ẅ.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to delete other tracks.
6. When you have finished deleting, press the PAGE button to return to the
main Nav Data page Ẋ.
Ẅ Delete
ẅ Access
Delete Menu
Ẇ Select Deletion
ẇ Highlight
Ẉ Confirm
ẉ View Revised
Tracks List
Ẋ Return to Nav
Data Page
Ẅ Delete a
ẅ Access
Delete Menu
Deleting Individual Waypoints
To delete selected waypoints one at a time:
1. From the Nav Data page, highlight using the ZOOM IN/OUT button and
select DELETE OPTIONS by pressing the ENTER button Ẅ. The Delete
Options menu appears ẅ.
2. Highlight and select WAYPOINTS ẅ. The Delete menu appears Ẇ.
3. Highlight and select ONE-BY-ONE Ẇ. A list of all waypoints currently
stored appears ẇ. You can sort or search the list (see “Sort” and
“Search,” page 16).
4. Highlight and select SELECT. The first waypoint is highlighted ẇ.
5. Highlight the waypoint you wish to delete ẇ. A Delete Confirmation
menu appears Ẉ.
6. Highlight and select YES Ẉ and the list of all waypoints appears with
the selected waypoint deleted ẉ. Highlight and select NO Ẉ to return
to the list of all waypoints currently stored ẇ. Highlight and select
DONE Ẉ to return to the main Nav Data Page Ẅ.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 to delete other waypoints.
7. When you have finished deleting, press the PAGE button to return to the
main Nav Data page Ẋ.
Ẇ Choose Delete
ẇ Highlight
Ẉ Confirm
ẉ View Revised
Waypoints List
Ẋ Return to Nav
Data Page