Ta ble of Con tents (cont.)
How to in ter pret the LED status in di ca tor ............... 16
Auto mat ic Battery- Saving Mode ...................... 16
AutoLock and Aut oUn Lock™ ..................... 16
Re mote con trolled sen sor ad just ments................ 17
Smart Au toTest ing™ .......................... 17
Spe cific mal func tion iden ti fi ca tion..................... 18
Auto mat ic mal func tion by pass .................... 18
Multiple- event To tal Re call™ .....................18
Smart prior in tru sion at tempt alert .................. 18
High- output In sig nia™ Si ren ..................... 19
Long- term chirp si lenc ing .......................... 19
Re mote con trolled chirp mut ing ...................... 19
Si ren du ra tion................................. 19
Smart Powe rUp™ II...........................19
User- selectable fea tures........................ 20
Step- by- step pro gram ming in struc tions ............... 20
EX AM PLE 1 .................................. 21
EX AM PLE 2.................................. 21
Add ing new re mote con trols ..................... 22
How to erase the codes of lost or sto len re mote con trols...... 22
Ta ble of user- selectable fea tures ................. 23–24