
© 2002 directed electronics, inc.
The remote control will beep once (or vibrate). The arm icon (7)
will flash for five seconds and the armed status icon (4) will be
displayed on the LCD.
vehicle protection
Following are descriptions of the many ways this system protects
the vehicle. Included are descriptions of the types of alarm pages
and how to interpret them.
DDoooorr LLoocckkss
- The system will automatically lock the vehicle
doors when armed.
FFaaiill-ssaaffee SSttaarrtteerr KKiillll
- The Fail-Safe Starter Kill will prevent
the vehicles starter motor from cranking.
SSttaattuuss LLEEDD -
The status LED blinks approximately once per
second as a visual deterrent to potential vehicle theft.
WWaarrnn AAwwaayy
- Light impacts trigger the Warn Away
When triggered, the siren chirps and the parking lights flash
for a few seconds.
TTrriiggggeerreedd SSeeqquueennccee
- Heavy impacts trip a Triggered
Sequence. The sequence consists of the siren sounding
continuously and the parking lights flashing for the
programmed duration.
PPrrooggrreessssiivvee RReessppoonnssee
- If a door is opened, the system will
immediately start chirping the siren and flashing the parking
lights. Three seconds later, the siren output changes to a
note: The system will not passively arm if a protected entry
or sensor is active; unless forced passive arming has been
programmed on. Refer to the Programming Options section
for information about forced passive arming).