United Kingdom customers: Please pardon our American English references and spellings. Trunk and ho od
references indicate the boot and bonnet, respectively; parking lights are indicator lights; gas/gas oline is petrol; a
parking lot is a car park; windshield is windscreen.
Stan dard Fea tures
The fol low ing are stan dard fea tures of this sys tem. Some ve hi cles may re quire op tional par ts/wir ing and a few are in com pati ble with some fea tures.
NOTE: Your sys tem MUST be in stalled by an Authorized Clif ford Dealer in ac cor dance with the in struc tions we sup ply
them. The sys tem is in tended for auto mo biles with a 12- volt bat tery and gasoline- or diesel- powered en gine. Other
than the re mote con trols, this sys tem has no user- serviceable parts. Your Authorized Clif ford Dealer can cor rect any
sys tem wir ing prob lems and, if ever needed, can re turn any mal func tion ing com po nent to Cli f ford Elec tron ics for
re pair/re place ment un der the warranty terms and conditions noted in this manual.
þ EC-approved (Europe)
þ Lifetime warranty (see terms & conditions)
þ One master remote control, one companion remote
n Extended range
n ACG 2™ Anti-CodeGrabbing protection
n Low remote control battery warning
þ Remote engine starting
n Automatic safety pre-remote-start checks
n Auto engine shutdown upon intrusion attempt
n Cold weather cranking
n AutoShutDown after 30 minutes if unattended
(duration adjustable via CliffNet Wizard)
n Prevents accidental starter motor “grinding”
n ShortStop: arm while idling for brief errands
n Automatic transmission compatibility
n Manual transmission compatibility
n Gasoline & diesel compatibility
n LowBattery AutoStart recharging
n LowTemp AutoStart warm-up
þ PlainView 2™ coded valet mode
n Select your own secret code
þ BlackJax anti-carjacking/self-recovery system
þ NightVision headlight automation
þ Front window AutoClose upon remote arming
þ Remote controlled valet mode
þ Built-in two-point AutoImmobilizer
þ Untraceable Wireless Immobilizer for ultimate in security
þ Remotely Adjustable Dual-Zone Proximity Sensor 4 detects
movement in passenger compartment and outside windows
þ Digital Tilt/Motion Sensor detects any forward/reverse motion or
more than one degree lifting of the vehicle
þ FACT anti-false alarm circuitry
þ Passive AutoArming if you forget to arm with the remote
n Lock upon AutoArming self-locking
n Visual AutoArming countdown confirmation
n Instant AutoArm bypass
þ Smart DataPort input
n For complete optional control of your system via your Windows PC
n For smart accessory interfacing
þ Self-Powered SmartSiren 4
n Keeps wailing even if a thief cuts all the wires
n Detects wire jumpering that defeats other battery sirens
n Smart G4 Digital ComLink eliminates need for override keys
n Selectable Personalized Siren Sounds*
n Selectable 30/60/90-second siren duration*
n Remote controlled chirp muting
n Selectable QuietChirps/LoudChirps
n Long-term selectable chirp muting
n Remote siren silencing without disarming if falsely triggered
þ Smart optional remote trunk release prevents falsing
þ Power door lock control
þ Ignition-switch controlled AutoLocking/AutoUnlocking
þ Remote panic feature
n Smart panic locking/unlocking based on whether the engine is on/off
þ Built-in timer circuit for optional turbo timer
þ Built-in parking light flasher
þ Courtesy light(s) turn on when you disarm with the remote
þ Smart AutoTesting self-diagnostics
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ Malfunction AutoBypass
nAutomatic trigger remonitoring if trunk/hood was open when arming
þ Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ TotalRecall 8-event trigger/sensor memory report
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ Remote control code learning
þ Clear all remotes if ever lost or stolen
þ LED status indicator
n Flash indications reveal status
n Automatic battery saving mode
þ Multiple vehicle control from the same remote control
þ Multiple sensor/trigger inputs
þ User-programmable features
n SecureAccess coded programming
n Programmable even while driving
*Not avail able on Euro pean mod els in com pli ance with EC95/56