United Kingdom customers: Please pardon our American English references and spellings. Trunk and ho od
references indicate the boot and bonnet, respectively; parking lights are indicator lights; gasolin e is petrol.
Stan dard Fea tures
The fol low ing are stan dard fea tures of this sys tem. Some ve hi cles may re quire op tional par ts/wir ing and a few are in com pati ble with some fea tures.
þ EC-approved (Europe)
þ Lifetime warranty (see terms & conditions)
þ Two remote controls
n Extended range
n ACG 2™ Anti-CodeGrabbing protection
n Low remote control battery warning
þ PlainView 2™ coded valet mode
n Select your own secret code
þ Remote controlled valet mode
þ Starter interrupt
þ Piezo Sensor detects theft-related vibrations and impacts
þ Smart DataPort input
n For complete optional control of your system via your
Windows PC
n For smart accessory interfacing
þ FACT anti-false alarm circuitry
þ Passive AutoArming if you forget to arm with the remote
n Lock upon AutoArming self-locking
n Visual AutoArming countdown confirmation
n Instant AutoArm bypass
þ High-Output Siren
n Remote controlled chirp muting
n Long-term selectable chirp muting
n Remote siren silencing without disarming if falsely triggered
þ Power door lock control (some vehicles may require
optional relays)
þ Ignition-switch controlled AutoLocking/AutoUnlocking
þ Remote panic feature
n Smart panic locking/unlocking based on whether the engine is
þ Built-in parking light flasher
þ Courtesy light(s) turn on when you disarm with the remote
(requires optional relay)
þ Smart optional remote trunk release prevents falsing
þ Smart AutoTesting self-diagnostics
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ Malfunction AutoBypass
nAutomatic trigger remonitoring if trunk/hood was open when
þ Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ TotalRecall 8-event trigger/sensor memory report
n With specific trigger & sensor identification
þ Remote control code learning
þ Clear all remotes if ever lost or stolen
þ LED status indicator
n Flash indications reveal status
n Automatic battery saving mode
þ Multiple vehicle control from the same remote control
þ Multiple sensor/trigger inputs
þ User-programmable features
n SecureAccess coded programming
n Programmable even while driving