Configuring the PVC2300 and WVC2300 Cameras
Audio/Video > Video
Cisco PVC2300 and WVC2300 Internet Video Cameras with Audio Administration Guide 59
Day/Night Switch
Color cameras can capture infrared radiation as well as visible light. The camera is
equipped with an IR-cut filter that prevents distortion of colors the human eye can
see. To use the camera in locations with poor lighting or at night, the IR-cut filter
can be manually turned off or a schedule can be used to turn off the filter at a set
time. An infrared lamp can be used to improve illumination in night surveillance
applications without producing any extra visible light. This is all done by using the
IR filter that is built-in to the camera.
• Enable Night Vision Schedule—Enable Day/Night switch schedule by
checking this check box.
• Start Time—Select the evening start time by selecting the hour and minute.
Use the 24-hour time format.
• End Time—Enter the hour in the morning to end the night vision feature, by
selecting the hour and minute. Use the 24-hour time format.