Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 48 Configuring IP Multicast Routing
Configuring IP Multicast Routing
Default Multicast Routing Configuration
Multicast Routing Configuration Guidelines
To avoid misconfiguring multicast routing on your switch, review the information in these sections:
• PIMv1 and PIMv2 Interoperability, page 48-11
• Auto-RP and BSR Configuration Guidelines, page 48-12
PIMv1 and PIMv2 Interoperability
The Cisco PIMv2 implementation provides interoperability and transition between Version 1 and
Version 2, although there might be some minor problems.
You can upgrade to PIMv2 incrementally. PIM Versions 1 and 2 can be configured on different routers
multilayer switches within one network. Internally, all routers and multilayer switches on a shared
media network must run the same PIM version. Therefore, if a PIMv2 device detects a PIMv1 device,
the Version 2 device downgrades itself to Version 1 until all Version 1 devices have been shut down or
PIMv2 uses the BSR to discover and ann
ounce RP-set information for each group prefix to all the routers
and multilayer switches in a PIM domain. PIMv1, together with the Auto-RP feature, can perform the
same tasks as the PIMv2 BSR. However, Auto-RP is a standalone protocol, separate from PIMv1, and is
a proprietary Cisco protocol. PIMv2 is a standards track protocol in the IETF. We recommend that you
use PIMv2. The BSR mechanism interoperates with Auto-RP on Cisco routers and multilayer switches.
For more information, see the “Auto-RP and BSR Configuration Guidelines” section on page 48-12.
When PIMv2 devices interoperate with PIMv1 devices, A
uto-RP should have already been deployed. A
PIMv2 BSR that is also an Auto-RP mapping agent automatically advertises the RP elected by Auto-RP.
That is, Auto-RP sets its single RP on every router or multilayer switch in the group. Not all routers and
switches in the domain use the PIMv2 hash function to select multiple RPs.
Dense-mode groups in a mixed PIMv1 and PIMv2 region need no special conf
iguration; they
automatically interoperate.
Ta ble 48-2 Default Multicast Routing Configuration
Feature Default Setting
Multicast routing Disabled on all interfaces.
PIM version Version 2.
PIM mode No mode is defined.
PIM stub routing None configured.
PIM RP address None configured.
PIM domain border Disabled.
PIM multicast boundary None.
Candidate BSRs Disabled.
Candidate RPs Disabled.
Shortest-path tree threshold rate 0 kb/s.
PIM router query message interval 30 seconds.