Cisco IOS Voice, Video, and Fax Commands: R Through Sh
ring cadence
Cisco IOS Voice, Video, Fax Command Reference
ring cadence
To specify the ring cadence for a Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) voice port, use the ring cadence
command in voice-port configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this
ring cadence {pattern-number | define pulse interval}
no ring cadence
Syntax Description
Defaults Ring cadence defaults to the pattern you specify with the cptone command.
pattern-number Predefined ring cadence patterns. Each pattern specifies a ring-pulse
time and a ring-interval time.
• pattern01—2 seconds on, 4 seconds off
• pattern02—1 second on, 4 seconds off
• pattern03—1.5 seconds on, 3.5 seconds off
• pattern04—1 second on, 2 seconds off
• pattern05—1 second on, 5 seconds off
• pattern06—1 second on, 3 seconds off
• pattern07—0.8 second on, 3.2 seconds off
• pattern08—1.5 seconds on, 3 seconds off
• pattern09—1.2 seconds on, 3.7 seconds off
• pattern09—1.2 seconds on, 4.7 seconds off
• pattern11—0.4 second on, 0.2 second off, 0.4 second on, 2 seconds
• pattern12—0.4 second on, 0.2 second off, 0.4 second on, 2.6
seconds off
define User-definable ring cadence pattern. Each number pair specifies one
ring-pulse time and one ring-interval time. You must enter numbers in
pairs, and you can enter from 1 to 6 pairs. The second number in the last
pair that you enter specifies the interval between rings.
pulse A number (1 or 2 digits) specifying ring pulse (on) time in hundreds of
The range is from 1 to 50, for pulses of 100 ms to 5000 ms.
For example: 1 = 100 ms; 10 = 1 s, 40 = 4 s.
interval A number (1 or 2 digits) specifying ring interval (off) time in hundreds
of milliseconds.
The range is from 1 to 50, for pulses of 100 to 5000 ms.
For example: 1 = 100 ms; 10 = 1 s, 40 = 4 s.