
- 47 -
FuForce the specific port to be unauthorized.
FaForce the specific port to be authorized.
AuThe state of the specific port was determined by the outcome of the authentication.
NoThe specific port didn't support 802.1x function.
Misc Configuration
In this page, you can change the default configuration for the 802.1x standard:
Quiet Period Used to define periods of time during which it will not attempt to acquire a supplicant
(Default time is 60 seconds).
Tx Period Used to determine when an EAPOL PDU is to be transmitted (Default value is 30
Supplicant Timeout Used to determine timeout conditions in the exchanges between the supplicant
and authentication server (Default value is 30 seconds).
Server Timeout Used to determine timeout conditions in the exchanges between the authenticator
and authentication server (Default value is 30 seconds).
Max requestsUsed to determine the number of re-authentication attempts that are permitted before
the specific port becomes unauthorized (Default value is 2 times).
Reauth Period Used to determine a nonzero number of seconds between periodic re-authentication
off the supplications (Default value is 3600 seconds).