
SPA9000 Field Reference
Voice tab
SPA9000 Voice System Administration Guide 252
Voice tab > Line page
Line Enable section
Voice tab > Line page
Network Settings section
Voice tab > Line page
SIP Settings section
Line Enable To enable this line for service, select yes. Otherwise, select
Default: yes
SIP ToS/DiffServ Value TOS/DiffServ field value in UDP IP packets carrying a SIP
Default: 0x68
SIP CoS Value [0-7] CoS value for SIP messages.
Default: 3
R TP To S/ D if f S e r v Val u e To S /D i f fS e r v f ie ld v alue in UDP IP packets carrying RTP data.
Default: 0xb8
RTP CoS Value [0-7] CoS value for RTP data.
Default: 6
SIP Transport Options: UDP, TCP, or TLS
Default: UDP
SIP Port Port number of the SIP message listening and transmission
Default: 5060
SIP 100REL Enable To enable the support of 100REL SIP extension for reliable
transmission of provisional responses (18x) and use of
PRACK requests, select yes. Otherwise, select no.
Default: no