Security: IPV6 First Hop Security
Configuring First Hop Security through Web GUI
428 Cisco Small Business 200, 300 and 500 Series Managed Switch Administration Guide (Internal Version)
To create an RA Guard policy or to configure the system-defined default policies,
click Add and enter the above parameters.
If required, click either Attach Policy to VLAN or Attach Policy to Interface.
DHCPv6 Guard Settings
Use the DHCPv6 Guard Settings page to enable the DHCPv6 Guard feature on a
specified group of VLANs and to set the global configuration values for this
feature. If required, a policy can be added or the system-defined default DHCPv6
Guard policies can be configured in this page.
To configure DHCPv6 Guard on ports or LAGs:
STEP 1 Click Security > First Hop Security > DHCPv6 Guard Settings.
STEP 2 Enter the following global configuration fields:
• DHCPv6 Guard VLAN List—Enter one or more VLANs on which DHCPv6
Guard is enabled.
• Minimal Preference—This field indicates whether the DHCPv6 Guard
policy will check the minimum advertised preference value of the packet
- No Verification—Disables verification of the minimum advertised
preference value of the packet received.
- User Defined—Verifies that the advertised preference value is greater
than or equal to this value. This value must be less than the Maximal
Preference value.
• Maximal Preference—This field indicates whether the DHCPv6 Guard
policy will check the maximum advertised preference value of the packet
received. This value must be greater than the Minimal Preference value.
- No Verification—Disables verification of the lower boundary of the hop
count limit.
- User Defined—Verifies that the advertised preference value is less than
or equal to this value.
STEP 3 If required, click Add to create a DHCPv6 policy.
STEP 4 Enter the following fields:
• Policy Name—Enter a user-defined policy name.