Cisco SFS 7024 Hardware Users Guide
56K baud
Use VT100 emulation.
Flow control = XON/XOFF
Step 2 Power up the SFS 7024.
Note If using the RS-232 port, skip to Step 6. Steps 3 through 5 are for those users accessing the SFS 7024
via Telnet or SSH.
Step 3 If using Telnet or SSH, access the SFS 7024 with the following command:
Step 4 The system prompts for a user name. In order to change the IP address and default gateway, the user must
be logged in as the administrator. At the prompt enter:
Step 5 The system prompts for a password. At the prompt enter:
The system responds with:
Welcome to the SFS 7024 CLI. Type 'list' for the list of commands.
Step 6 To change the SFS 7024 default IP address enter:
setChassisIpAddr -h ipaddress -m netMask
where -h ipaddress is the new IP address in dotted decimal (i.e., xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) format, and -m
netMask is the new subnet mask in dotted decimal (i.e., xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) format.
Step 7 To change the SFS 7024 default gateway IP address enter:
setDefaultRoute -h ipaddress
where -h ipaddress is the new default gateway IP address in dotted decimal (i.e., xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)
Step 8 To to exit the CLI enter:
Updating Management Spine IP Addresses in a Redundant Management Configuration
Note This procedure should be performed the first time the SFS 7024 is powered on. Additionally, it is
recommended to change the managed spine IP address for all available images (i.e., Image 1 and Image
2) when performing this procedure.
Each managed spine must have a unique IP address that is different than the chassis IP address of the
SFS 7024. Therefore, a redundantly-managed SFS 7024 will have six (6) unique IP addresses; three (3)
for each hemisphere. The current default IP addresses are:
Lower Hemisphere
Spine 1:
Spine 2:
Upper Hemisphere