Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
April 2003
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
CTC Operation Troubleshooting
Procedure: Cancel the Circuit Creation and Start Over
Step 1 Cancel the circuit creation:
• Click the Cancel button.
• Click the Back button until you return to the initial circuit creation window.
Step 2 Check the list of available ports. The previously selected port no longer appears in the available list
because it is now part of a provisioned circuit.
Step 3 Select a different available port and begin the circuit creation process.
1.6.14 Calculate and Design IP Subnets
Symptom You cannot calculate or design IP subnets on the ONS 15327.
Table 1-22 describes the potential cause(s) of the symptom and the solution(s).
1.6.15 Ethernet Connections
Symptom Ethernet connections appear to be broken or are not working properly.
Table 1-23 on page 1-63 describes the potential cause(s) of the symptom and the solution(s).
Table 1-21 “Path in Use” Error When Creating a Circuit
Possible Problem Solution
Another user has
already selected the
same source port to
create another circuit
CTC does not remove a card or port from the available list until a circuit is
completely provisioned. If two users simultaneously select the same source
port to create a circuit, the first user to complete circuit provisioning gets use
of the port. The other user gets the “Path in Use” error.
See the “Cancel the Circuit Creation and Start Over” procedure on
page 1-62.
Table 1-22 Calculate and Design IP Subnets
Possible Problem Solution
The IP capabilities of
the ONS 15327 require
specific calculations to
properly design IP
Cisco provides a free online tool to calculate and design IP subnets. Go to
http://www.cisco.com/techtools/ip_addr.html. For information about
ONS 15327 IP capability, refer to the Cisco ONS 15327 Reference Manual.