Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface
• Setting the Retransmission Interval
• Setting the Transit-Link Delay
Setting the Cost
To set the cost for sending a data packet on this interface, use the ospf cost
command. The cost for the interface is a number from 0 to 65535. The default
value of the cost for a given type of circuit is 108/interface speed. For a Gigabit
Ethernet interface, the value is 1. For a 10/100-Mbps Fast Ethernet interface, the
value is 10.
For example, to set a cost of 25, enter:
(config-circuit-ip[VLAN6-])# ospf cost 25
To reset the packet cost for the interface to the default value, enter:
(config-circuit-ip[VLAN6-])# no ospf cost
Setting the Dead Router Interval
The interface declares a neighbor router is dead if the interface does not receive
hello packets from the router before the dead interval expires. Use the ospf dead
command to set the dead router interval for an interface. The dead router interval
is in seconds. This value must be a multiple of the hello interval, and the value
must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. Enter a number
from 1 to 2,147,483,647. The default is 40.
For example, to set the dead router interval to 100 seconds, enter:
(config-circuit-ip[VLAN6-])# ospf dead 100
To reset the dead router interval to its default of 40 seconds, enter:
(config-circuit-ip[VLAN6-])# no ospf dead
Setting the Hello Packet Interval
Router interfaces periodically transmit hello packets to identify and maintain
communications with their neighbors. When a router detects its own address in
another router’s hello packet, the two routers establish two-way communications
as neighbors.