Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
Appendix A CiscoIPPhone XML Object Quick Reference
CiscoIPPhoneIconMenu <CiscoIPPhoneIconMenu>
<Title>Title text goes here</Title>
<Prompt>Prompt text goes here</Prompt>
<IconIndex>Indicates what IconItem to display</IconIndex>
<Name>The name of each menu item</Name>
<URL>The URL associated with the menu item</URL>
<Index>A unique index from 0 to 9</Index>
<Height>Size information for the icon</Height>
<Width>Size information for the icon</Width>
<Depth>Number of bits per pixel</Depth>
<Data>Packed Pixel Data</Data>
CiscoIPPhoneIconFileMenu <CiscoIPPhoneIconFileMenu>
<Title>Title text goes here</Title>
<Prompt>Prompt text goes here</Prompt>
<IconIndex>Indicates what IconItem to display</IconIndex>
<Name>The name of each menu item</Name>
<URL>The URL associated with the menu item</URL>
<Index>A unique index from 0 to 9</Index>
<URL>location of the PNG icon image</URL>
CiscoIPPhoneStatus <CiscoIPPhoneStatus>
<Text>This is the text area</Text>
<Timer>Timer seed value in seconds</Timer>
<LocationX>Horizontal alignment</LocationX>
<LocationY>Vertical alignment</LocationY>
<Width>Pixel width of graphic</Width>
<Height>Pixel height of graphic</Height>
<Depth>Color depth in bits</Depth>
<Data>Hex binary image data</Data>
CiscoIPPhoneStatusFile <CiscoIPPhoneStatusFile>
<Text>This is the text area</Text>
<Timer>Timer seed value in seconds</Timer>
<LocationX>Horizontal alignment</LocationX>
<LocationY>Vertical alignment</LocationY>
<URL>location of the PNG image</URL>
CiscoIPPhoneExecute <CiscoIPPhoneExecute>
<ExecuteItem URL=”The URL or URI to be executed”/>
CiscoIPPhoneError <CiscoIPPhoneError Number=”x”/>
CiscoIPPhoneResponse <CiscoIPPhoneResponse>
<ResponseItem Status”the success or failure of the
action”Data=”the inf
ormation associated with the request”
URL=”the URL or URI specified in the Execute object”/>
Table A-1 CiscoIPPhone XML Object Quick Reference (continued)
Object Definition