Cisco EnergyWise Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 EnergyWise CLI Commands
energywise query
energywise query
To display power information and to set the power level of domain members, use the energywise query
command in privileged EXEC mode.
energywise query importance importance {keywords word,word,... | name name} collect {delta
| usage} [timeout timeout]
energywise query importance importance {keywords word,word,... | name name} set level level
[timeout timeout]
energywise query importance importance {keywords word,word,... | name name} sum {delta |
usage} [timeout timeout]
Syntax Description importance importance Only entities with importance values less than or equal to the specified value
respond to the query.
The importance range is from 1 to 100.
keywords word,word,... Filters the results based on one or more keywords.
When specifying multiple keywords, separate the keywords with commas,
and do not use spaces between keywords.
• You can enter alphanumeric characters and symbols such as #, (, $, !, and
• Do not enter an asterisk (*) or a blank space between the characters or
name name Filters the results based on the name.
For the wildcard, use * or name* with the asterisk at the end of the name
• You can enter alphanumeric characters and symbols such as #, (, $, !, and
• Do not enter an asterisk (*) or a blank space between the characters or
collect {delta | usage} Displays power-usage information in watts (W) from the domain members
and end points.
• delta—Display the delta vector with the difference between the actual
power usage and the maximum power usage for each power level for
what-if calculations.
• usage—Display the actual power usage.
timeout timeout (Optional) Sets the time in seconds that the management station waits for
query results.
The range is from 1 to 180.