Configuring Presence Service
How to Configure Presence Service
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide
Enabling a Directory Number to be Watched
To enable a line associated with a directory number to be monitored by a phone registered to a
Cisco Unified CME router, perform the following steps. The line is enabled as a presentity and phones
can subscribe to its line status through the BLF call-list and BLF speed-dial features. There is no
restriction on the type of phone that can have its lines monitored; any line on any IP phone or on an
analog phone on supported voice gateways can be a presentity.
• A presentity is identified by a directory number only.
• BLF monitoring indicates the line status only.
Step 4
presence enable
Router(config-sip-ua)# presence enable
Allows the router to accept incoming presence requests.
Step 5
Router(config-sip-ua)# exit
Exits SIP user-agent configuration mode.
Step 6
Router(config)# presence
Enables presence service and enters presence configuration
Step 7
presence call-list
Router(config-presence)# presence call-list
Globally enables BLF monitoring for directory numbers in
call lists and directories on all locally registered phones.
• Only directory numbers that you enable for watching
with the allow watch command display BLF status
• This command enables the BLF call-list feature
globally. To enable the feature for a specific phone, see
the “Enabling a SCCP Phone to Monitor BLF Status for
Speed-Dials and Call Lists” section on page 891.
Step 8
max-subscription number
Router(config-presence)# max-subscription 128
(Optional) Sets the maximum number of concurrent watch
sessions that are allowed.
• number—Maximum watch sessions. Range: 100 to the
maximum number of directory numbers supported on
the router platform. Type ? to display range.
Default: 100.
Step 9
Router(config-presence)# end
Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Command or Action Purpose