Cisco EtherSwitch Service Modules Feature Guide
How to Configure the Cisco EtherSwitch Service Module in a Switch Stack
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)SEC
This section provides the following examples:
• Sample Output for the switch priority Command, page 55
• Sample Output for the show switch Command, page 55
Sample Output for the switch priority Command
The following example shows what appears when you enter the switch stack-member-number priority
priority-number command:
Switch(config)# switch 2 priority 15
Changing the Switch Priority of Switch Number 2 to 15
Do you want to continue?[confirm]
New Priority has been set successfully
Sample Output for the show switch Command
The following example shows what appears when you enter the show switch command:
Switch> show switch 6
Switch# Role Mac Address Priority State
6 Slave 0003.e31a.1e00 1 Ready
Verifying Information About the Switch Stack
To verify the configuration changes that you save after you reset a specific stack member or the switch
stack configuration, use the show platform stack-manager all command.
For verification, Step 1 is useful for displaying all switch stack information. Step 2 is useful if you
display information about a specific stack member, neighbors, or switch stack ports.
1. show platform stack-manager {all | counters | trace [sdp [reverse] | state [reverse]]}
[{begin | exclude | include} expression]
2. show switch
These show switch commands display more detailed switch stack information:
• show switch detail
• show switch neighbors
• show switch stack-ports