Cisco MGX 8220 Installation and Configuration
Release 5.0, Part Number 78-6430-03 Rev. D0, November 2003
TFTP User Interface
Configuring and Collecting Statistics
Configuring statistics specifies to the shelf where statistic counters are to be collected. A file is
constructed that lists the statistic counters to be collected and is downloaded into the shelf using TCP/IP
Collecting statistics causes the statistics to be transferred as a data file to the workstation. The
workstation first requests the statistics and the Cisco MGX 8220 shelf responds by uploading the
statistic file to the workstation. A list of statistics counters for each card type is provided in Appendix B,
The method of collecting statistics in Cisco MGX 8220 conforms to the standards employed in IGX,
IPX, and Cisco BPX nodes. CWM (Release 7.2 and later) supports the standard TFTP method of
configuring and collecting statistics and can be used on the workstation that is attached to the Cisco
MGX 8220 shelf for this purpose. CWM provides a convenient and easy-to-use graphical user interface
(GUI) for both configuring the statistics to be collected and actually collecting those statistics from the
Cisco MGX 8220 shelf. Using CWM relieves the user of knowing and constructing the file formats
required for correctly transferring the statistics files.
Each type of statistic collected in WAN switching networks is categorized under a major grouping
known by an object type name and an object type number, and minor grouping known as a subtype.
Within the subtype, the statistic has a statistic type number. For example, the statistic “ATM Cell Header
HEC Errors” has an object type name of IPX-ATM, an object type of 2, a subtype of 1, and a statistic
type of 45. This combination of groups and type number uniquely identify a particular type of statistic.
Configuring Statistics
Each Cisco MGX 8220 statistic can be configured individually for collection. To configure statistics,
the workstation transfers a file (filename = enable.stats) using TFTP to the Cisco MGX 8220 shelf,
which specifies those statistic types to be collected. The specified statistics are grouped by object type,
then by object subtype. Multiple object types each containing multiple object subtypes, each containing
multiple statistic types can be specified in one file.
Collecting Statistics
To collect statistics from the Cisco MGX 8220 shelf, the workstation uses the following TFTP command
to issue a request:
Get Nodename.mmddyyhhmm
• Nodename is the node name given to the Cisco MGX 8220 shelf.
• mmddyyhhmm is the date/time expressed in GMT.
Upon receipt of this message, the shelf responds with a file containing the collected statistics, as shown
in Table 3-2.