DS71-MD4 Serial host and 56k Modem
Configuration Status
The Status menu displays the modules installed and the current configuration of the host module. The
following are the factory default settings:
Copyright(C) Bay Technical Associates 2006
DS71-MD4 Data Switch Series - V90 Modem Host Module
Revision F.1.01.01
Module 2
Status .........................1 Current status of DS71-MD4 module
Serial Port Configuration.......2 Change port config, 9600, 8, 1, none
Port Device Name................3 Change the name of the device
Port Select Code................4 Non-Menu, ASCII code to select DS74 port
Attention Character.............5 (;;;;;) get Main Menu
Disconnect Timeguard............6 Delay to see if more data after ‘;’ char
Connect port ID Echo ...........7 Enable echo module & port#, device name
Login Setup ....................8 Mange user, Port, Header
Local Modem Option .............9 MD4 options
Unit ID ........................U Name the module
Exit ........................X,CR Return to previous menu