Configuring Transparent Bridging
Transparent and SRT Bridging Configuration Task List
Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide
Determining Access for Bridging
You can determine access by either permitting all bridge packets or by controlling access according to
Ethernet type codes.
To permit all transparent bridge packets, use the following command in global configuration mode:
To control access by Ethernet type codes, use the following commands in global configuration mode:
For a table of some common Ethernet types codes, see the “Ethernet Types Codes” appendix in the
Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Command Reference, Volume I.
Configuring an Interface for Bridging
You can configure serial interfaces or ISDN interfaces for DDR bridging. To configure an interface for
DDR bridging, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Configuring Transparent Bridging over Frame Relay
The transparent bridging software supports bridging of packets over Frame Relay networks. This ability
is useful for such tasks as transmitting packets from proprietary protocols across a Frame Relay network.
Bridging over a Frame Relay network is supported both on networks that support a multicast facility and
those that do not. Both cases are described in this section.
Fast-Switched Transparent Bridging
The transparent bridging software provides fast-switched transparent bridging for Frame Relay
encapsulated serial and High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) networks.
Switched virtual circuits (SVCs) are not supported for transparent bridging in this release. All the
Permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) configured on a subinterface must belong to the same bridge group.
Command Purpose
dialer-list dialer-group protocol bridge
Defines a dialer list that permits all transparent bridge packets.
Command Purpose
Step 1
access-list access-list-number
{permit | deny} type-code [mask]
Permits packets according to Ethernet type codes (access list numbers
must be in the range 200 to 299).
Step 2
dialer-list dialer-group protocol
bridge list access-list-number
Defines a dialer list for the specified access list.
Command Purpose
Step 1
interface type number
Specifies the serial or ISDN interface and enter interface
configuration mode.
Step 2
dialer string dial-string
dialer map bridge [name
Configures the dial string to call.
Configures a dialer bridge map.
Step 3
bridge-group bridge-group
Assigns the specified interface to a bridge group.