Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter 2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
debug ssl-proxy
Note Use the TCP debug commands only to troubleshoot basic connectivity issues under little or no load
conditions (for instance, when no connection is being established to the virtual server or real server).
If you run TCP debug commands, the TCP module displays large amounts of debug information on the
console, which can significantly slow down module performance. Slow module performance can lead to
delayed processing of TCP connection timers, packets, and state transitions.
The tcp type includes the following values:
• events—Debugs the TCP events.
• pkt—Debugs the received and transmitted TCP packets.
• state—Debugs the TCP states.
• timers—Debugs the TCP timers.
Examples This example shows how to turn on App debugging:
ssl-proxy# debug ssl-proxy app
This example shows how to turn on FDU debugging:
ssl-proxy# debug ssl-proxy fdu
This example shows how to turn on IPC debugging:
ssl-proxy# debug ssl-proxy ipc
This example shows how to turn on PKI debugging:
ssl-proxy# debug ssl-proxy pki
This example shows how to turn on SSL debugging:
ssl-proxy# debug ssl-proxy ssl
This example shows how to turn on TCP debugging:
ssl-proxy# debug ssl-proxy tcp
This example shows how to turn off TCP debugging:
ssl-proxy# no debug ssl-proxy tcp