
Catalyst 4500 E-Series Switches Installation Guide
This preface describes the audience, organization, and conventions of the Catalyst 4500 E-Series
Sw itches In stallation
Guide and provides inform ation on how to obtain related docum entation and
technical assistance.
Only trained and qualified service personnel (as defined in IEC 60950 and AS/N ZS3260) sho uld install,
replace, or service the equipm ent.
This guide is organized as follow s:
Chapter Title Description
Chapter 1 Product Overview Describes the hardw are features, com ponents, interfaces,
and functionality of the Catalyst
4500 E-series sw itches.
Chapter 2 Preparing for
In stallation
Describes how to prepare your site fo r the installation of the
sw itch.
Chapter 3 In stalling the Sw itch
in a R ack
Describes how to install the Catalyst 4500 E-series
sw itches.
Chapter 4 R em oving and
Replacing FRU s
Describes how to rem ove and rep lace field-rep laceable units
(F R U s).
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Provides tro u b leshooting guidelines for the initial hardw are
installation and suggests steps to help isolate and resolve
problem s.
A ppendix A Specifications Lists the cable and technical specifications of the
4500 E-series sw itches.
A ppendix B Repacking a Sw itch Provides instructions for rep ack ing your Catalyst 4500
E-series sw itch in the event that you have to return it to the