
Software Configuration Guide—Release 15.0(2)SG
Chapter 10 Environmental Monitoring and Power Management
Power Management
The output of the show power detail and show power module commands reveals the variable amount
of power consumption attributable to the supervisor engine and summarizes the supervisor engine’s
inline power.
Switch# show power detail
show power detail
Power Fan Inline
Supply Model No Type Status Sensor Status
------ ---------------- --------- ----------- ------- -------
PS1 PWR-C45-1400DC DCSP1400W good good n.a.
PS1-1 12.5A good
PS1-2 15.0A off
PS1-3 15.0A off
PS2 none -- -- -- --
Power supplies needed by system : 1
Power supplies currently available : 1
Power Summary Maximum
(in Watts) Used Available
---------------------- ---- ---------
System Power (12V) 360 360
Inline Power (-50V) 0 0
Backplane Power (3.3V) 0 40
---------------------- ---- ---------
Total 360 400
Module Inline Power Summary (Watts)
(12V -> -48V on board conversion)
Mod Used Available
--- ---- ---------
1 5 25
--- ---- ---------
Watts Used of System Power (12V)
Mod Model currently out of reset in reset
---- ----------------- --------- ------------ --------
1 WS-X4013+TS 180 180 180
2 WS-X4506-GB-T 60 60 20
3 WS-X4424-GB-RJ45 90 90 50
-- Fan Tray 30 -- --
----------------------- --------- ------------ -------
Total 360 330 250
Watts used of Chassis Inline Power (-50V)
Inline Power Admin Inline Power Oper
Mod Model PS Device PS Device Efficiency
---- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
2 WS-X4506-GB-T 0 0 0 0 89
3 WS-X4424-GB-RJ45 - - - - -
----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
Total 0 0 0 0
Watts used of Module Inline Power (12V -> -50V)
Inline Power Admin Inline Power Oper
Mod Model PS Device PS Device Efficiency
---- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------
1 WS-X4013+TS 6 5 3 3 90
----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------