Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 25 Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection
Displaying Dynamic ARP Inspection Information
To return to the default log buffer settings, use the no ip arp inspection log-buffer {entries | logs}
global configuration command. To return to the default VLAN log settings, use the no ip arp inspection
vlan vlan-range logging {acl-match | dhcp-bindings} global configuration command. To clear the log
buffer, use the clear ip arp inspection log privileged EXEC command.
Displaying Dynamic ARP Inspection Information
Step 3
ip arp inspection vlan vlan-range
logging {acl-match {matchlog |
none} | dhcp-bindings {all | none |
Control the type of packets that are logged per VLAN. By default, all denied
r all dropped packets are logged. The term logged means the entry is placed
in the log buffer and a system message is generated.
The keywords have these meanings:
• For vlan-range, specify a single VLAN identified by VLAN ID number,
a range of VLANs separated by a hyphen, or a series of VLANs
separated by a comma. The range is 1 to 4094.
• For acl-match matchlog, log packets based on the ACE logging
configuration. If you specify the matchlog keyword in this command
and the log keyword in the permit or deny ARP access-list
configuration command, ARP packets permitted or denied by the ACL
are logged.
• For acl-match none, do not log packets that match ACLs.
• For dhcp-bindings all, log all packets that match DHCP bindings.
• For dhcp-bindings none, do not log packets that match DHCP
• For dhcp-bindings permit, log DHCP-binding permitted packets.
Step 4
exit Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5
show ip arp inspection log Verify your settings.
Step 6
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Ta ble 25-2 Commands for Displaying Dynamic ARP Inspection Information
Command Description
show arp access-list [acl
-name] Displays detailed information about ARP ACLs.
show ip arp inspection interfaces [in
terface-id] Displays the trust state and the rate limit of ARP
packets for the specified interface or all interfaces.
show ip arp inspection vlan vlan-r
ange Displays the configuration and the operating state
of dynamic ARP inspection for the specified
VLAN. If no VLANs are specified or if a range is
specified, displays information only for VLANs
with dynamic ARP inspection enabled (active).