Cisco Active Network Abstraction Administrator’s Guide, 3.5
Page xii Cisco Systems, Inc.
Chapter 10, Managing Sheer DNA Security, page 135, describes how
Sheer DNA implements a three-dimensional security engine combining a
role-based security mechanism with scopes that are granted to users. In
addition, it describes managing users in the Sheer DNA platform, including,
defining users and passwords.
Appendix A, Utility Scripts, page 155, describes the Sheer DNA utility
scripts including how to restart the Sheer DNA Platform.
Appendix B, Golden Source Registry, page 157, provides details of the
Golden Source Registry.
Appendix C, Ports Used by Sheer DNA, page 159, provides a list of the
ports used by the various Sheer DNA Server and Client applications.
Appendix D, Drools Rules Engine, page 161, introduces and describes
Note: Changes to the Registry should only be carried out with the support of
Cisco Professional Services.