Cisco Access Registrar 3.5 Concepts and Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Understanding Cisco Access Registrar
Cisco AR Directory Structure
concurrently, you might create two Session Managers and three Resource Managers. One dynamic IP
Resource Manager that is referenced by both Session Managers, and two concurrent session Resource
Managers, one for each Session Manager.
In addition, Cisco Access Registrar lets you pose queries about sessions. For example, you can query
Cisco Access Registrar about which session (and thus which NAS-Identifier, NAS-Port and/or
User-Name) owns a particular resource, as well as query Cisco Access Registrar about how many
resources are allocated or how many sessions are active.
Cisco AR Directory Structure
The installation process populates the /opt/CSCOar directory with the subdirectories listed in Table 2-1.
Note This directory structure is different from that of previous version of Cisco AR.
Program Flow
When a NAS sends a request packet to Cisco Access Registrar with a name and password, Cisco Access
Registrar performs the following actions. Note, Table 2-2 describes the flow without regard to scripting
Table 2-1 /opt/CSCOar Subdirectories
Subdirectory Description
.system Contains ELFs, or binary SPARC executables that should not be run directly
bin Contains shell scripts and programs frequently used by a network
administrator; programs that can be run directly
conf Contains configuration files
data Contains the radius directory, which contains session backing files; and the
db directory, which contains configuration database files
examples Contains documentation, sample configuration scripts, and shared library
lib Contains Cisco Access Registrar software library files
logs Contains system logs and is the default directory for RADIUS accounting
odbc Contains Cisco Access Registrar ODBC files
scripts Contains sample scripts that you can modify to automate configuration, and
to customize your RADIUS server
temp Used for temporary storage
ucd-snmp Contains the UCD-SNMP software Cisco Access Registrar uses
usrbin Contains a symbolic link that points to bin.