Chapter6 User Group Management
Configuration-specific User Group Settings
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
Step 5 To save the group settings you have just made, click Submit.
For more information, see Saving Changes to User Group Settings, page 6-56.
Step 6 To continue specifying other group settings, perform other procedures in this
chapter, as applicable.
Assigning a Downloadable IP ACL to a Group
The Downloadable ACLs feature enables you to assign an IP ACL at the group
Note You must have established one or more IP ACLs before attempting to assign one.
For instructions on how to add a downloadable IP ACL using the Shared Profile
Components section of the Cisco Secure ACS HTML interface, see Adding a
Downloadable IP ACL, page 5-10.
Tip The Downloadable ACLs table does not appear if it has not been enabled. To
enable the Downloadable ACLs table, click Interface Configuration, click
Advanced Options, and then select the Group-Level Downloadable ACLs
check box.
To assign a downloadable IP ACL to a group, follow these steps:
Step 1 In the navigation bar, click Group Setup.
The Group Setup Select page opens.
Step 2 From the Group list, select a group, and then click Edit Settings.
The Group Settings page displays the name of the group at its top.
Step 3 From the Jump To list at the top of the page, choose Downloadable ACLs.
Step 4 Under the Downloadable ACLs section, click the Assign IP ACL check box.
Step 5 Select an IP ACL from the list.