Catalyst 2940 Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Clustering Switches
Creating a Switch Cluster
Figure 5-8 Add to Cluster Window
From CMS, there are two ways to add switches to a cluster:
• Select Cluster > Add to Cluster, select a candidate switch from the list, click Add, and click OK.
To add more than one candidate switch, press Ctrl, and make your choices, or press Shift, and
choose the first and last switch in a range.
• Display the Topology view, right-click a candidate-switch icon, and select Add to Cluster
(Figure 5-9). In the Topology view, candidate switches are cyan, and member switches are green. To
add more than one candidate switch, press Ctrl, and left-click the candidates that you want to add.
Enter the password of
the candidate switch. If
no password exists for
the switch, leave this
field blank.
Select a switch, and click
Add. Press Ctrl and left-
click to select more than
one switch.