Defining Users
Cisco Small Business 200 Series Smart Switch Administration Guide 246
When password recovery mechanism is disabled, accessing the boot menu is still
allowed and you can trigger the password recovery process. The difference is
that in this case, all configuration and user files are removed during the system
boot process, and a suitable log message is generated to the terminal.
STEP 3 Click Add to add a new user or click Edit to modify a user.
STEP 4 Enter the parameters.
• User Name—Enter a new username between 0 and 20 characters. UTF-8
characters are not permitted.
• Password—Enter a password (UTF-8 characters are not permitted). If the
password strength and complexity is defined, the user password must
comply with the policy configured in the Setting Password Complexity
Rules section.
• Confirm Password—Enter the password again.
• Password Strength Meter—Displays the strength of password. The policy
for password strength and complexity are configured in the Password
Strength page.
STEP 5 Click Apply. The user is added to the Running Configuration file of the device.
Setting Password Complexity Rules
Passwords are used to authenticate users accessing the device. Simple
passwords are potential security hazards. Therefore, password complexity
requirements are enforced by default and may be configured as necessary.
Password complexity requirements are configured on the Password Strength
page reached through the Security drop-down menu. Additionally, password
aging time may be configured on this page.
To define password complexity rules:
STEP 1 Click Security > Password Strength.
STEP 2 Enter the following aging parameters for passwords:
• Password Aging—If selected, the user is prompted to change the password
when the Password Aging Time expires.
• Password Aging Time—Enter the number of days that can elapse before
the user is prompted to change the password.