Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 2 Using a Fabric Extender with a Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switch
Cisco Nexus 2232PP FEX
Note For a fully dedicated 10-Gbps bandwidth through a M1 Series 32-port 10-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module
(either the N7K-M132XP-12 or N7K-M132XP-12L), connect each FEX to one port in a set of four
shared ports on the module (you connect each set of shared ports to one FEX). If you are using the M2
Series 24-port, 10-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N7K-M224XP-23L), you can connect the FEX to any
of its ports for a fully dedicated bandwidth. If you are using the F2 Series 48-port, 10-Gigabit Ethernet
I/O module (N7K-F248XP-25), use the connectivity rule order (connect the same port numbers for each
port group (for example, if you connect ports 1 and 2 of a port-group, then connect the same ports of
another port group).
For information about the transceivers and connectors that you can use with these ports, see the
“Transceivers Supported by the Cisco Nexus 2232PP FEX” section on page 2-24.
Power Supplies for the Cisco Nexus 2232PP FEX
The Cisco Nexus 2200 Platform FEX chassis have two slots for front-end AC or DC power supplies that
have front-to-back or back-to-front airflow. These chassis are fully functional with one power supply,
but you can install a second power supply for power redundancy. You can install any of the following
power supplies in those two bays:
• AC power supply with front-to-back airflow (N2200-PAC-400W)
• AC power supply with back-to-front airflow (N2200-PAC-400W-B)
• DC power supply with front-to-back airflow (N2200-PDC-400W)
• DC power supply with back-to-front airflow (N2200-PDC-350W-B)
For information on these power supplies, see the “Power Supplies for the Cisco Nexus 2248TP FEX”
section on page 2-13 and the power supply specifications in the “Power Specifications” section on
page B-1. To replace one of these power supplies, see the “Removing and Installing Power Supplies”
section on page 3-17.
Fan Tray for the Cisco Nexus 2232PP FEX
The Cisco Nexus 2232PP and 2232TM FEX use the same fan tray, which you can order with either
front-to-back airflow (N2K-C2232-FAN) or back-to-front airflow (N2K-C2232-FAN-B).
For more information on this fan tray, see the “Fan Tray for the Cisco Nexus 2232TM FEX” section on
page 2-18 and the fan tray specifications in the “Environmental Specifications” section on page B-4 and
the “Physical Specifications” section on page B-5. For LED descriptions, see Table D-1 on page D-2. To
replace one of these fan trays, see the “Removing and Installing the Fan Tray” section on page 3-20.
1 1- and 10-Gigabit Ethernet downlink ports,
numbered 1 through 32
2 10-Gigabit Ethernet uplink ports, numbered 1
through 8