Chapter 3 Installing the Router
Using Flash Memory Cards in the RP
Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Copying a Cisco IOS Software Image
You can copy a Cisco IOS software image into a Flash memory card at any time
for later use, but you must first format the Flash memory card that you will use in
the copy operation. If you have not already formatted the card, see the
“Formatting a Flash Memory Card” section on page 3-67.
To ensure access to the network TFTP server, you must configure one network
interface using the setup command facility. For instructions on using this facility,
see the “Configuration Changes” section on page 3-53 or refer to the
Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide for the IOS software release
running on this router.
To copy a bootable image into the Flash memory card, follow these steps:
Step 1 Boot the router and allow it to initialize.
Step 2 Enter the enable command at the user EXEC mode prompt to enter privileged
EXEC mode:
Router> enable
Password: <password>
Step 3 Copy the file named new.image in this example to the Flash memory card inserted
in PCMCIA slot 0 by using the following command:
Router# copy tftp:new.image slot0:new.image
20575008 bytes available on device slot0, proceed? [confirm]
Address or name of remote host []?
Loading new.image from (via Ethernet0):
[OK - 7799951/15599616 bytes]
In this example, the exclamation points (!) appear as the source file is being
downloaded to the destination device. The
CCCCC characters indicate that a cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) is being calculated during the downloading process. The
CRC verifies that the file has been correctly downloaded to the Flash memory card
inserted in PCMCIA slot 0 or the designated destination device.