Appendix C Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting the CSS 11501
Cisco 11500 Series Content Services Switch Hardware Installation Guide
You cannot access log or
archive files on the CSS disk but
traffic is still passed in and out
of the CSS.
Replace the disk containing the files. Remove
the disk and install the replacement in the
CSS 11501. Refer to the reference sheet that
comes with the replacement disk.
After you install the disk in the CSS, you must
wait 10 seconds before you can reseat or
remove it.
If the replacement disk does not have the same
software version that the CSS is running, the
CSS 11501 will not initialize the disk. You
must reboot the CSS and configure a primary
boot record. You can select the CSS software
currently on the disk or instruct the CSS where
to locate the CSS software ADI file to install on
the disk. If you archived an offline version of
your CSS running-config file, copy it back onto
the CSS.
Table C-4 Troubleshooting the CSS 11501 (continued)
Symptom Recommended Action