SERVICE COLUMN LOCK: If the system that
controls the locking and unlocking of the steering
column does not work properly, have the vehicle towed
to a dealer for service.
- WAIT 10 SEC: If this message comes
on, the steering column lock system has detected a
problem while engaging the steering column lock. This
message may occur when the ignition key is removed
and re-inserted before the steering column lock system
fully locks or unlocks the steering column. To
acknowledge that you have read this message, and to
clear it from the display, remove the ignition key and
wait 10 seconds before re
-inserting the key into the
ignition. If you attempt to operate your vehicle without
removing the key for 10 seconds, the vehicle’s fuel
system will shut off at 1.5 mph (2.4 km/h). If the
message stays on after removing the key and waiting 10
seconds, have your vehicle taken to an authorized dealer
as soon as possible for diagnosis and repair.
LOW OIL PRESSURE: You will hear four chimes and
the CHECK GAGES telltale will come on when this
message is displayed. To acknowledge the warning,
press the RESET button. After you press the RESET
button, a message will be displayed and you will hear a
chime every minute until the vehicle is serviced. If you
do not press RESET, the message will remain on the
digital display until the vehicle is serviced.
Low oil pressure may be the result of a combination of
low oil level and abrupt changes in the vehicle’s
direction. When this warning is displayed, you should
not operate the engine at high RPM or make fast abrupt
moves. When it is convenient, you should check the oil
level. See “Engine Oil” in the Index.
LOW OIL LEVEL: Press RESET to acknowledge that
you have read the message and to remove it from the
display. The message will reappear every 10 minutes
until this condition changes.
You will hear two chimes when this message is
displayed. If this message appears after starting your
engine, your engine oil level may be too low. You may
need to add oil. See “Engine Overheating” in the Index.
chimes continuously when this message is displayed.
To acknowledge that you have read the message and
to remove it from the display, press RESET. The
message will reappear every 15 seconds until this
condition changes.