
DDoocc NNoo::
02 Copyright © Hanmar Motor Corporation 2005
The fresh water tanks can also be filled through the city
water inlet located behind the large lockable driver side
middle access door, for location,see the Daily Living section.
The use of the city fill is not possible when in the winter
operation mode.
To fill the tank:
1. Prior to using city fill ensure water system is in
summer operation mode,(see mode switching).
Connect a hose to the city water inlet connection,
(see Picture G-P3).
2. To fill the fresh water tanks,open the city water
tank fill shut off valve, (see Picture G-P4).
3. Open the water source moderately.
4. When the tank is full,water will overflow in the
same manner as when using the gravity fill,
(see previous page).
5. Close the city water tank fill shut off valve,
(see Picture G-P5).
NOTE: City water connection can only be used in summer
operation mode.This supplies the 190 models with dual
water tank system.
The city water inlet connection is located in the small
compartment behind the large lockable driver side storage
compartment, (see Picture G-P3).To connect the water
system to an outside source:
1. Ensure that the water pump is turned off.
2. Close the city water tank fill valve by turning the
handle to the vertical position, (see Picture G-P5).
3. Be sure that all interior faucets are closed to
prevent spillage.
4. Open the city water source slowly to prevent
excessive water force inside your vehicle.(To
protect your system from excessive pressure from
water supply systems encountered in some areas,a
water pressure regulator should be used.Such a
regulator is not supplied with your vehicle).
5. Note that this connection by-passes the water
pump and fresh water tank.Therefore,the use of
these items is not necessary when connected
directly to an external water source.
Picture G-P5: Closed position of the city water tank
fill valve.
Picture G-P4: Open position of the city water tank
fill valve.
Picture G-P3:Location of the city water inlet connection.